Driving School in the UAE

The UAE Driving Institute – A Guide for the Driving License Theory Test

 In order to acquire a driving license in the UAE, the driving license aspirants have join the best and the most reliable the UAE driving institute to increase their chances of passing the driving tests and acquiring the driving license on first attempt. In order to get a driving license in the UAE, the driving license aspirants will first have to join a reputed driving institute in UAE before they can move on to the next step.

Once the driving license aspirant has registered at a good the UAE driving institute, the license aspirant would have to apply for a driving license and register themselves for the driving tests. The first step in acquiring a driving license in the UAE is to appear for the theory test, the parking test and then for the road test, in this order.

The driving license aspirants would first have to prepare for and pass the theory test before they can move on to the next step in the acquisition of a driving license in the UAE. If a driving license aspirant fails to pass the theory test, he or she would have to reappear for the theory test before moving on to the next step in acquiring a driving license in the UAE.

For the driving license aspirants who are appearing for the driving test for the first time, here is a complete quire to the driving license theory test and what you should expect and do to pass it on the first attempt.

Joining the Best UAE Driving Institute for Theory Test Training

In order to start the process for acquiring a driving license in the UAE, a driving license aspirant has to join a reputed UAE driving institute to attain the training and the education to pass the driving tests on first attempt. You need to find the best UAE driving institute so that you can get education and training according to the rules and regulations of the traffic authorities in the UAE.

Joining a driving institute in the UAE is important because the traffic authorities in the UAE have made mandatory for the driving license aspirants to attend 8 mandatory theory classes before they can attempt the theory test. No driving license aspirant can attempt the theory test if they have not attended the 8 mandatory classes from a driving school in the UAE.

Book the Theory Test

The first thing that a driving license aspirant has to do is book their theory test. The driving license aspirant would have to first apply for the driving license and register for a theory test so that they can get a theory test date on which they would have to appeal. While registering for a theory test, the driving license aspirant would have to submit the below mentioned documents and book a theory test date.

The documents required to apply for and to book a theory test date are:

  • Emirates ID Car (Copy and Original for Verification)
  • 5 Passport Size Photos
  • Passport Copies
  • NOC (No Object Certificate from Your Sponsor (For Expats))
  • Eye Test Receipt

As a driving license aspirant completes the registration process and submits the documents required, the license aspirant would receive date on which the driving license aspirant has to appear for the test. Once you have your theory test date, you can attend your mandatory 8 lectures at the driving school of your choice.

Preparation for the Theory Test

You will need to register at a driving school where you will have to attend the mandatory 8 theory classes. When you are searching for the UAE driving institute, you need to make sure that the driving school delivers the lectures in multiple languages such as Arabic, English and Urdu, which is necessary for you, especially if you are an expatriate. If you are not confident about attending theory classes with males, you can look for a driving school that offers female only classes as well.

Understanding the Theory Test

When you have attended the 8 mandatory theory classes, the driving license aspirant will be ready to take the driving license theory test. The UAE driving institute will make sure that you are ready to take the theory test and ensure that you pass it on first attempt. When you attempt the theory test, you will have to answer 35 multiple choice questions that will consist of 17 common questions and 18 specific questions. To pass the theory test, the driving license aspirant would have to attain 12 points in the common questions section and 13 points in the specific question section. If a driving license aspirant fails to do so, they would have to reappear for the theory test after attending 8 mandatory classes from the UAE driving institute.

 These are the things that a driving license aspirant should be aware of if they want to acquire a driving license in the UAE. Once you join the UAE driving institute, it will become easier for you to pass your driving tests and acquire your driving license on the first attempt.

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